- Day 1
The first day will focus on vulnerability management methodology to give the attendee a refresher in the basic concepts and workflow of a standard vulnerability management program. During this session, we will complete a practical walkthrough of the InsightVM graphical user interface. Once and understanding of the InsightVM software is established attendees can progress to a number of activities to actually use the tool for scanning.
• Introduction to InsightVM
• Activating InsightVM
• InsightVM Architecture
• Navigating the User Interface
• Scan Processes and Templates
• Dashboards, Projects & Queries
• Groups and Real Context
• Automated Actions
• Create/Manage Users
- Day 2
Day 2 will consist of lab and lecture and will conclude with outlying questions and delving into topics that may be specific to your particular environment.
• Planning Your Deployment
• Create and Pair Scan Engines
• Install an Agent
• Credentials and Scanning
• Exception Workflow
• Risk Strategies
• Troubleshooting
• Reporting
• Practice Exam