- Day 1
The first day of class provides an introduction to Metasploit Pro and focuses on key foundational knowledge that you will build upon throughout the course. Emphasis will be placed on the Metasploit Pro console, project workflow, understanding of the various modules and payloads, and exploitation techniques. Students will gain practical, hands-on experience in the following areas:
• Metasploit Pro Introduction
• A Discussion of Workflow And Methodology
• Navigating the GUI
• Metasploit Tasks
• Discovering Targets
• Importing Scan Data
• An Overview of Exploits Modules
• Basic Exploitation Techniques
• Password Brute force Exploitation Technique
• Pass-The-Hash Exploitation Technique
• Pivot Attacks
• An Overview of Payload Modules
• An Overview of Command Shell/Meterpreter Payloads
- Day 2
The second day of class students build upon the knowledge and skills covered in the first day of class and covers additional exploitation techniques, identification and exploitation of web application vulnerabilities, an overview of conducting a social engineering campaign and generating reports. Students will gain practical, hands-on experience in the following areas:
• Post-Exploitation Techniques
• Maintaining Access and Privilege Escalation
• Web Application Testing/Exploitation
• Demonstration of Metasploit Social Engineering Campaign
• Quick Start Wizards and MetaModules
• Reporting